Raincity Decks

FAQ: Ponding and Bird Baths

Common Deck Issues:

What is ponding or bird baths on a deck?

Ponding, also called bird baths, refers to water sitting on certain areas of the deck for an extended time after rainfall.

As per the National Roofing Contractor’s Association (NRCA) if the water dries up within 24-36 hours, it’s not considered ponding. A quick test is to place a Canadian nickel heads-up in the puddle: if the water covers the nickel, it may be an issue.

The most common causes of ponding include:

  1. Edge Metal Build-up: Deck edges may develop ponds due to added thickness from sheet metal or membranes.
  2. Insufficient Slope: If the deck has less than the required 2% slope, water may not drain properly.
  3. Warped Framing: Wood framing and plywood can warp due to weather exposure, creating low spots where water collects.

No, it does not typically cause ponding. The problem is usually with the deck’s structure, slope, or framing.

Proper deck design and installation, including ensuring a sufficient slope and good structural framing, can prevent ponding. RainCity Decks offers preconstruction design services to help avoid these issues.

Contact RainCity Decks for a free assessment. We can help fix existing ponding issues and provide guidance on how to prevent them in the future.

Whether you’re a homeowner or commercial property owner in BC, RainCity Decks can help restore your deck to its best condition. Contact us for a free estimate!

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